A downloadable educational game for Windows






游戏拥有8个独立关卡、6种功能各异的指令块、6个手绘动画角色、3个结局、2场精心设计的BOSS战、1条线性叙事主线和1个台词量超百句的NPC(以及十余首网络免费BGM :P)。


Hey guys!! Glad to show my first game —— Program Agent, a block-based programming RPG mainly produced by me and my buddy Ban Hans. Together we formed a team named Star Pointer to make more fun⭐


The game itself is a combination of programming education and RPG. You will play as Agent01, an anti-virus program agent to save a digital world from deadly computer virus and uncover the secret behind. However, you have to do it “like a program”, which means all the actions of Agent01 depend on the program you create. By assembling the blocks of [MOVE], [ATTACK], [LOOP], [SCAN] and so on, you can create your very program to defeat enemies and reach the goal of every mission!


Although our first game is rough and unpolished, it is an attempt to make the programming education a funnier by crossing it with RPG. So, why not to have a try?

[What is inside this game]

8 originally designed missions

6 kinds of action blocks

6 kinds of characters

3 different ends

2 boss fight

1 gabby NPC with over a hundred lines


Program Agent 中文 v1.0.zip 122 MB
Program Agent Eng v1.0.zip 124 MB

Install instructions

Thanks for Playing~~~

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